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@Clues 2024

The Models of the Mind

Made by Midjourney
It's important to note that this framework is meant to be a general guide and may need to be adapted to the specific needs and circumstances of each patient. The goal is to provide a structured approach for patients to better understand and consider the different models of the mind in their own life. This can help to promote self-awareness, insight, and positive change.

About this Course

I created this course to demonstrate the many variables at play when it comes to understanding our minds, and the factors that influence how we perceive and interact with the world around us. It stemmed from my own mental health work as I initially struggled to make sense of why I thought, felt, and behaved in certain ways, and tried to reconcile which of my thoughts, feelings, and behaviors was “normal” (PS: normal is a myth). 

Altogether, I identified 13 common models of the mind in psychology. I broke them down into two broad categories – single-factor models and multi-factor models. There’s no scientific basis behind that categorization. It’s simply how I came to understand them during my own research. 

Single-factor models emphasize a single variable, such as our genetics, when attempting to explain how our minds work and why we do what we do. Multi-factor models are those that incorporate several variables – such as our environment, our social conditioning, and our biological predispositions – into a unified framework for understanding how several factors come together to shape our minds and how we engage with the world. 

Lastly, I’ve developed a questionnaire based on each of these models of the mind which you can use to inquire about your own psychology, feelings, behaviors, relationships, and so on. Think of this course as a form of radical self-inquiry through the lens of 13 different psychological models of the mind. Hopefully, you will know and understand yourself (and others) better at the conclusion of it.